Cookie notice

Important information on sales and target levels in December!

The RINGANA team has been working very hard to settle all payments made in December as quickly as possible to fit the deadline, so that everyone can celebrate reaching their target level! But in this hectic month we need the help of all our fresh partners! We ask you to please take the following recommendations at heart:


1) ONE invoice = ONE bank transfer!

To avoid delays in the automatic booking of incoming payments, we ask you to always write the invoice number in the reference field when paying for your goods and to refrain from paying for many invoices in one single payment, even if the invoice numbers are written on the reference field. When you pay for multiple invoices in one payment, it will not be accepted by our automatic booking system and therefore will be manually processed, which may delay its settlement and your points may take longer to be added to your summary.  


2) Please do not send any payment confirmations to our back-office.

We kindly ask you to refrain from sending bank payment confirmations to be reviewed by our back-office team. This will not speed up your invoice being booked but just add up work to a very busy month and work which will be fruitless, as sending us the confirmations will not make things go faster, we’re afraid.  


3) Delays in booking payments.

Even if our accounting department is working hard to quickly book all incoming payments, nevertheless there can be delays on purchases made until 4.1.2021. We kindly ask you to be patient and we can’t stress enough that, even in such cases, sending us an email will not speed up the process, we’re sorry to say.

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